This August age
This August Age is Ryan Klockner
Words and Music by This August Age
Engineered by Jamie Farnell of Fretless Audio
Produced by Kelly Klockner and This August Age
Artwork by Kimberly Reyes Salinas and Ryan and Kelly Klockner
This album is dedicated to the memory of Lynn Klockner
Thank Yous:
To Kelly: Thank you for your love, your constant patience and unwavering support through making this album. You have stood behind me and loved me through all of it and I’ll forever be grateful. You’re my inspiration, my motivation, my biggest fan, and my beating heart. This is your album, and these are your songs. I thank you, I love you.
To Jamie: Thank you for all your hard work on this album. You’ve made it sound better than I could ever have imagined. Keep up your amazing work and hope our paths cross again!
To Annie: This album would not exist without you. I can’t tell you how much you have helped me in this process and supporting me as I dug deep on these memories. Thank you for unlocking my courage to do this.
To Dad: I feel like Clark Griswold at the end of Christmas Vacation….I did it! Thank you for always supporting my music, even when I was learning and didn’t sound very good. We have traveled miles for music together and having you be able to hear and love music that I’ve done is so special to me! Thank you.
To Kim, Jose, Vinny, and the rest of my extended family: Thank you for your love and support over this time we’ve been together. I’m honored to be part of this amazing family and thank you Kim for your amazing artwork for the cover.
To John: Thank you for all your support and for pushing me to keep writing all these years. I know it’s taken me a long time for me to finally put something out into the world, but you’ve always rooted for me and are always excited about my songs. I thank you so much for that, my friend.
To Bags: Dude, thank you for helping me keep my head on straight through all of this. I don’t think I could have done all this without you. It’s been a long damn road! But thank you for being my headlights through it and thanks for always having my back when I need it the most.
Special Thanks to our fur children Elly and Mac, The Mooney’s and the rest of my unmentioned Friends and Family for your love and support. We love you guys!
And finally, to the Artifacts, wherever you are, if you ever hear or read this: These are my remembrances. I sympathize if you feel differently. Goodbye.
A Note From the Artist: This album would not exist without the help of the mental health community. All proceeds from my Bandcamp sales will be donated to NAMI Chicago ( and even if you don’t like my songs, please consider donating so that other people can work through their issues in a safe and maybe even an artistic manner like I have. Thank you for listening and your time.
Love Always,
©2022 Rykel Records